How does a member add a subscription for a new season?
Members can add a subscription for a new season:
1. Members can log in when using the join link for the new season
When a member uses your join link in order to sign up for a new season, they can access their existing account at the Contact Info step of the signup process by selecting the "Already have an account? Login" button. If they cannot remember their password, they can click "Forgot Password" from the login screen.
2. Members can sign up for their next season from their account
Members can add a subscription for a new season by logging into their accounts and clicking on the Season drop-down.
Once a member changes the season view to your upcoming season, they can click "Click to Join" in the green summary box in order to be taken through the sign-up process for existing members.
Once a member changes the season view to your upcoming season, they can click "Click to Join" in the green summary box in order to be taken through the sign-up process for existing members.
3. You can add a member's subscription from the dashboard
You can manually add a new season subscription to a member's account using the Add Subscription button.
These steps are recommended if the member already has an account in your Farmigo system and they cannot sign up using the join link.
These steps are recommended if the member already has an account in your Farmigo system and they cannot sign up using the join link.
(3) Then set up the member's subscription for the selected season by taking the following steps (see image below):
A. Assign the member to a Location by clicking Edit next to the Location field.
B. Add a share by clicking +Share from the Subscriptions section.
C. Save changes.
A. Assign the member to a Location by clicking Edit next to the Location field.
B. Add a share by clicking +Share from the Subscriptions section.
C. Save changes.