Farmigo Basics > Customizing deliveries
How can members customize their deliveries?
There are a number of ways in which the Farmigo system can give your members the ability to customize their orders:
If you would like to give members the ability to choose the contents of the share for each delivery, there are two models that you may want to consider:
- Allow members to add optional subscriptions to the regular delivery
- Invite members to add items as need to their next delivery via the web store
- Give members the option to customize the contents of their weekly delivery via the web store
If you would like to give members the ability to choose the contents of the share for each delivery, there are two models that you may want to consider:
- Prefilled editable store orders (learn more) - Before each delivery, you will prefill your members store orders with select items. Members will then have the option to edit the store order. If the member does not edit their order, they will be scheduled to receive the original contents that you selected for them. The system can also allow you to price items in $ or “Credits.” This model is for CSAs that want members to select items based on $ values, so members will be allocated a set dollar amount each week to spend. All items in the web store will display $ values (e.g. $2 /head of kale, $4/lb. of tomatoes).
- Build-by-Credit (learn more) - For each delivery, members will be allotted a certain number of "credits". Then, they selected items priced in credits for their delivery. Members must use or lose the credits that are allotted to them for each delivery. You can also change the label or term “credits” to anything you want (up to ten characters). For example you can call them “Items,” “Subs”, “Farm Cash”, etc. This variation is good if you have your own marketing terminology or if you give members a specific amount of items per share size. For example, let’s say you offer a small share where members will receive 6 items per week. Members will then choose 6 “items” in their box out of the items you make available for substitution. You can also pre-fill their order with a default as described above.