How do I delete a past-due processing eCheck in Farmigo?
1. Open your Check Gateway account and confirm the status of the payment in your Check Gateway account.
2. If the payment has been voided or does not exist in your Check Gateway account, contact a Technical Advisor at [email protected] to delete the past due payment with a status of Processing in the member's Farmigo account.
If the payment has been funded in your Check Gateway account, contact a Technical Advisor at [email protected] to update the status of the payment from Processing to Received.
2. If the payment has been voided or does not exist in your Check Gateway account, contact a Technical Advisor at [email protected] to delete the past due payment with a status of Processing in the member's Farmigo account.
If the payment has been funded in your Check Gateway account, contact a Technical Advisor at [email protected] to update the status of the payment from Processing to Received.