How can I use Packing Guidelines?
Packing guidelines are set from the page for a share, option, or item. The packing guidelines help to organize shares, options, and items in a specific order in your reports in order to help you organize your packing lines.
On this page you will learn what the different packing guidelines mean within a share, option, or item page. To learn more about how packing guidelines affect the presentation and sorting order of shares, options, and items within reports, click on a specific report below:
Subscription Packing Guidelines (Shares and Options)
You can set packing guidelines for each share and option. These packing guidelines affect how shares and options are presented in your reports.
1. Spanish Title: The Sourcing Breakdown can be produced in Spanish if you enter Spanish Titles. The Spanish Title also affects the order in which items are presented on your reports. If the Spanish Title is left blank it will be ignored. However, if the Spanish title is filled in, specific reports will list subscriptions by Spanish Title and then alphabetically by the item title.
2. Guidelines:
2. Guidelines:
- Listed in box: This share or option is a packed box, meaning that multiple items will go into a single box. A share or option set as listed in box will appear in the Box Builder.
- Listed separately: This share or option should not be packed within a single box. Each item added to this share or option in the Box Builder will be packed separately.
- Not a packed box: This share or option is not a packed box. Selecting this option will hide this share or option from the Box Builder.
Item Packing Guidelines
You can set packing guidelines for each item.
Spanish Title
The Sourcing Breakdown can be produced in Spanish if you enter Spanish Titles. The Spanish Title also affects the order in which items are presented on your reports. If the Spanish Title is left blank it will be ignored. However, if the Spanish title is filled in, specific reports will list items by Spanish Title and then alphabetically by the item title.
If you would like to set a specific order for items within their weight class, you can use the Spanish Title field to accomplish this. For example, Let's say you have Squash, Zucchini, and Cabbage that are set as heavy packing weight. If no Spanish Title was entered, these would be listed alphabetically.
If you would like to set a specific order for items within their weight class, you can use the Spanish Title field to accomplish this. For example, Let's say you have Squash, Zucchini, and Cabbage that are set as heavy packing weight. If no Spanish Title was entered, these would be listed alphabetically.
Sorting is Alphabetic if no Spanish title
If you wanted these items in a more specific order, you could enter the letter "A" into the Spanish Title for Zucchini, "B" into the Spanish Title for Cabbage, and "C" into the Spanish Title for Squash. Then the software would sort by Spanish the title, thus accomplishing the sorting order seen below.
Sorting is by Spanish Title First, then Alphabetical
- Listed in box: Identifies an item as a something that goes into a packed box. An example would be a tomato that goes into a boxed share.
- Listed separately: An item that should not be packed within a box, rather listed separately in reports. Items added to a share/option within the box builder with the packing guidelines “Listed separately” are not listed on labels.
Packing Weight
In general, items are sorted by packing weight Heavy to Light. This way, the heaviest items will be listed to be packed first, then the medium weight items, and finally the light items.
- Heavy
- Medium
- Light