Member Contact Info Report
- Found under the Overview section of the Reports page , the Member Contact Info report generates a CSV file that allows you to view contact information and a physical address for each member, sorted by pick-up location. This can be useful if you would like to create a mailing list.
- Site hosts may access this report, if you allow it (learn more).
- You may only download the report for the active season for which you are making deliveries.
What are the Data Filters?
- View members for all pickup sites or click "change location" to select a specific pickup site that you would like to download.
- You may only download members assigned to a home delivery location by selecting All.
What does the report look like?
As a CSV file, the Member Contact Info report shows you all the relevant contact information for a member. This includes the following information
CSV files are readable in most spreadsheet software programs, such as Excel.
How will the report look to Site Hosts.
When a Site Host logs in to the member account, goes to the Reports tab, and clicks on Member Contact Info, they will see a printable table the includes the primary and secondary contact information for a member file.