Item Imports
If you have a large database of items you would like to sell in your web store, we can import them into your system. This is not the only opportunity for you to add items to your web store; an item import gives you the opportunity to load many items at one time.
1. Make sure you system is ready for the import.
Before you fill in the item import spreadsheet, set up your store categories, producers, and item units. This must be completed before the import is submitted.
1. Add Store Categories, go to Settings --> Store Settings, click the +add category button to create new categories.
Click Here for More Info
2. Add Item Units, to create unique item units, go to Settings --> Units, Click +add in the item units section if there is a unit you need to use that doesn't already exist.
3. Create Producers - If the item import includes items assigned to producers other than your farm, create their producer profiles. Click Here for Directions
2. Fill in and submit the Item Import
Please click the button below to download the item import template and use the following guidelines to complete the spreadsheet:
1. Make sure you system is ready for the import.
Before you fill in the item import spreadsheet, set up your store categories, producers, and item units. This must be completed before the import is submitted.
1. Add Store Categories, go to Settings --> Store Settings, click the +add category button to create new categories.
Click Here for More Info
2. Add Item Units, to create unique item units, go to Settings --> Units, Click +add in the item units section if there is a unit you need to use that doesn't already exist.
3. Create Producers - If the item import includes items assigned to producers other than your farm, create their producer profiles. Click Here for Directions
2. Fill in and submit the Item Import
Please click the button below to download the item import template and use the following guidelines to complete the spreadsheet:
- Open the file in Excel or in another spreadsheet program.
- Don't change the order of the columns - they must remain in the order displayed.
- Read the Instructions in Row 1 of the spreadsheet. These instructions explain what should be filled in each column. All fields are mandatory unless it is specified on the instructions that it is OPTIONAL.
- When you have completed the item import spreadsheet, send it back to [email protected] and we will import it to your system.