How do I cancel a member's account?
To cancel a member's account take these steps:
- Enter the member account
- Click edit in the upper right hand corner
- Select Cancel Subscription
You'll get three options:
1. Cancel Subscription
2. Delete Subscription
3. Delete Account
- The member's location, subscriptions, and automatic payment token are removed
- Please note: Adding a pickup site and a subscription will reactivate the member's account!
- Please note: The member cannot re-join by using the sign up wizard. The admin must re-activate the subscription by adding a pickup site and share.
- Anything listed under the Order header is deleted.
- All of the information in the Payment, History, Contact, and Notes (including comments and flags) is retained.
- Any Automatic Payment Token (blue circular arrows symbol) on the member's account is removed.
2. Delete Subscription
- Deletes all of the member's subscription history, including information in the Payment and History.
- Information in the Contact and Notes (including comments and flags) is retained. Members' passwords will remain in the system if they decide to subscribe again in the future.
- Members can re-join by using the sign-up wizard. They should sign in using the email address and password they used when they originally joined.
- Deletes the Automatic Payment Token (blue circular arrows symbol) on the member's account.
3. Delete Account
- Deletes a member’s entire account from your system. The Member Account will not exist after you delete it.
- Members can re-join by using the sign-up wizard. They will need to register and create an account as if they are a new member.